WV Drug Intervention Institute to Host Live Conversation on Medication Safety with Former Director of DEA, Former Director of National Office of Drug Control Policy and President of DisposeRx®
May 18, 2021—The West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute (WV DII) and DisposeRx® are hosting a live, online conversation on medication safety on Friday, May 21, 2021, at 3 p.m. EST.
The event will be hosted by WV DII President, Dr. Susan Bissett. Guest panelists will include Mr. Jim Carroll, former Director of the National Office of Drug Control Policy and Uttham Dhillon, former Director of INTERPOL Washington—The U.S. National Census Bureau and Former Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Carroll and Dhillon are co-founders of DC Consulting LLC, offering government affairs, regulatory advice, marketing strategy and public relations services to clients. William Simpson, Co-Founder, President & CEO of DisposeRx®, will join the conversation as a special guest.
While most people take medications responsibly, an estimated 18 million people have misused prescription medications in the last year, according to the National Institutes of Health. In addition, many persons reporting intravenous, illegal drug use initially become addicted by obtaining a friend’s or family member’s prescription. According to Bissett, medication safety and disposing of medications are key components of combatting and preventing the opioid addictions.
“Our mission is to reduce overdose deaths in our state, and one of the ways we do this is through education and outreach about safe medication use and disposal,” explained Bissett. “With our partners at DisposeRx®, we are reminding every West Virginian, ‘Don’t Keep Rx Around™!’”
The event will livestream via the Institute’s Facebook, Youtube and Webpage and is free and open to the public. To view the event on Friday visit: www.wvdii.org/live. Media can direct questions to Mia Manfredi or Dr. Susan Bissett at: (304) 205-2287.