We are a team of dedicated partners and collaborators working together to make an impact.
The mission of the Drug Intervention Institute is to reduce opioid and drug-related deaths by (a) preventing substance use through education (b) reducing overdose through training and distribution related to naloxone and other opioid reversal agents, and, (c) supporting harm reduction and other drug-response efforts.
To fulfill its mission, WV DII is carrying out activities under three objectives – education, collaboration, and prevention.
The West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute (WV DII) began in May 2019, after nine months of study and deliberation regarding the best ways to reduce opioid drug deaths in West Virginia. Funding was promised by the Winston-Salem Foundation from a donor-advised fund established by BB&T (now Truist). The founding members of the board interviewed people involved in and concerned about substance abuse, researched response activities elsewhere, identified possible response gaps, developed the Institute concept, and conducted the search for a president. WV DII is an independent 501(C)(3) entity. In addition, the partnership with an academic institution positions the WV DII with the unique ability to conduct research and analysis of program outcomes.
Partnerships and collaborations the WV DII includes working with the following in various capacities:
Appalachian Regional Commission
Charleston Area Medical Center
Community Education Group (CEG)
First Choice Services
Gibson Gives
Great Rivers Regional System for Addiction Care
Healing Appalachia and Hope in the Hills
Kanawha Charleston Health Department
Kanawha Communities that Care (KCTC)
Kanawha County Board of Education
Marshall University School of Pharmacy
Murphy Innovative Solutions & Concepts (MISC)
North Dakota State University School of Pharmacy
Putnam County Board of Education
Regional Family Resource Network
TEMPO (Training and Empowering Musicians to Prevent Overdose)
University of Charleston
WV Collegiate Recovery Network
WV Hope in Action Alliance
WV Office of Drug Control and Policy
WV Public Broadcasting
WV Department of Education
WV Department of Health and Human Resources
WV Pharmacists Association
WV Prevention First Network

The WV DII board is comprised of eight voting members and one ex-officio member.
Voting members:
Dr. Thomas Mehinghan, Chair
Dr. Marty Roth, Secretary/Treasurer
Dr. Glenn Crotty
Mr. David Ferretti
Mr. Pat Graney
Mr. John Kennedy
Ms. Jan Rader
Dr. Ed Welch
Ex officio members:
Dr. Susan Margaret Murphy, President of WV DII