By Maria Carrasco
To prevent overdoses, campuses in West Virginia will install 50 boxes containing the opioid-reversal drug naloxone, along with instructions, the Herald-Dispatch reported.
The Be the One initiative, sponsored by the West Virginia Collegiate Recovery Network and the West Virginia Drug Intervention Institute, aims to minimize opioid overdose deaths and aid recovery efforts among students, faculty and staff on West Virginia’s campuses. Each “Naloxbox,” which the organizations will distribute and mount on campus walls, contains two doses of naloxone and training materials on how to administer the medication during an active overdose. The institutions receiving the Naloxboxes are BridgeValley Community and Technical College, Concord University, New River Community and Technical College, West Virginia State University, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College, West Virginia University, and the Erma Byrd Center for Higher Education.
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