Nationwide more than 5,700 people ages 12 and older misuse prescription pain medication for the first time every day. (www.generationrx.org)
Elementary Outreach
The WV DII, with the help of student pharmacists from the University of Charleston delivers medication safety programming to third grade students in Kanawha and Putnam County. Each year, over 1,600 students are educated on prescription and over-the-counter medication safety and proper asthma inhaler use.
Adapting messaging from Generation Rx, an evidence-based program developed in collaboration with The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, the Cardinal Health Foundation, and the American Pharmacists Association. The program is designed to increase public awareness of prescription drug abuse and better equip children, youth, teens, and adults to address and actively prevent prescription drug misuse.
In 2020 and 2021, the WV DII has once again partnered with Murphy Media to create videos and resources for teachers to share without the need for student pharmacists to be physically present in the classroom. Using the Rex™ avatar with glasses, the program is being rebranded as SmartRx™. The adjustment addresses concerns about social distancing and also will allow the WV DII to expand our reach beyond Putnam and Kanawha Counties.