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Adverse Childhood Experiences (commonly known as ACEs) are occurrences or situations that impact children from birth to age eighteen that adversely affect their health and well-being.  We advocate and promote resources that help reduce the burden of ACEs which in turn, decreases the likelihood a child will become addicted to a substance as an adult.


Parents, Grandparents, and Foster Parents

We inform and applaud policy that supports parents, grandparents and foster parents helping children to overcome adversity and remain substance-free. We are committed to helping all families stay safe and healthy through our educational outreach programs, online learning platform, and public health campaigns. 


Pathways to Recovery

We promote all pathways to recovery and are working with leaders from the City of Charleston and Kanawha County, as well as providers, to develop a “Recovery Roadmap” for the Kanawha Valley. These pathways include:


  1. City of Charleston’s Quick Response Team (QRT)—Our Staff work directly with the City’s CARE (Coordinated Addiction Response Effort) to aggregate overdose data and evaluate the effectiveness of the City’s QRT.

  2. Project RAPID—In collaboration with the Kanawha Valley Collective and the United Way of Kanawha Valley, our team is assisting with rapid rehousing and treatment on demand for those experiencing both homelessness and substance use disorder.

  3. Regional Jail—In partnership with the WV Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety and the University of Charleston, we are delivering an education program to female inmates on neonatal abstinence syndrome, HIV, and hepatitis (HCV) and provide options for long-activity reversible birth control and recovery treatment.

  4. Emergency Rooms—Our team is committed to working with local hospitals and providers of medical assisted treatment MAT to increase the number of individuals discharged from emergency rooms who enter treatment programs for substance use disorder.

  5. Project HELP—Working with First Choice Services and Synergy Health of WV, Inc., our WV DII Team is connecting callers to 1-844-HELP4WV with a peer recovery support specialist IMMEDIATELY to increase those entering treatment and long-term recovery.


What is Medically Assisted Treatment?

Download the Medically Assisted Treatment Fact Sheet

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